
您当前位置: 安康市档案局 > 政务公开 > 2024德国欧洲杯比分 > 正文内容


作者:   发布时间:2007-08-08 08:54  


    Land usage
    1.Every external investor, who comes to Ningshan county to invest requires to requisition and rent the land in Ningshan,and you can enjoy to be preferentially handled with the relevant certificates. The land rent may be paid for at evaluated price from 50% to 90% according to the occupied quality and usages, and our county can be a shareholder by land price with you.
    2.While you are interested in cultivating and developing a complete stretches of the Four Sorts of Wasted Land building economic forest land and developing the tourism, you may once again get the favourrable price from 50% to 80% on the basis of the preferential price of one yuan per mu yearly, and the tenure of land useage may be postponed for one hundred years.We only collect the cost of the?? certificate production when the land using certificate papers are issued to you.Within contract period, you can legally circulate the land usage freely in the stressed prerequisite that you can't change the usage of the land.
    Levy Taxes and Fees
    1.If a certain external travelling trader comes to NingShan county to invest and exploit some natural superiority resources such as natural organisms, water and electricity, mineral products and tourism etc. Within three years the income taxes of your enterprises will be exempted from the date when it goes into operation. If you invest in initiating processing natural resources enterprises besides enjoying above-listed policy, all the income taxes of your enterprises will not only be exempted from the profit-making year within two years, but also will be reduced by half to be exempted from the third to the fifth year.
    2. If you invest in the enterprises and companies which exploit and process mineral products’resource compensation,we also exempt from water resource fees while water and electricity enteprises, and companies are being built within three years we will also exempt from agricultural speciality tax if you build up some newly natural resources’enterprieses.
    3. Besides enjoying the above-listed the first and second policy of being remited tax and fee,the“Three capital-founded” enterprises, which are newly established by the foreign and domestic investors including every productive enterprises can also enjoy preferential policy of making up for a loss from the profit-making year.
    4. The people who hold the post of administration and technique in monopoly capital enterprises or join-stock and join operation enterprises, which are initiated by the investors out of Ningshan county will enjoy the preferential policy, which your income tax will be paid for by the enterprises within two or five years.
    Investing procedures
    1. The external travelling merchants can immediately act on your own idea to decide the directions and patterns of investment according to your individual purpose,only if you can supply the following relevant certificates such as propose recitation of project or practicable report as well as your identification paper, capital credit identification and business licence etc. And all your management actions will not be restricted and interposed by anything or anybody.
    2. After the investor signs the contract and constitution of projects and items according to the law, the authorized departments of county's degree which are responsible for will carry out to examine and approve by using“One-office Style”,which is a coordinated processing in one general hall.The examined and approved formalities within the jurisdiction of county's degree will be approved in three days after we receive all your relevant certificates.It can be permitted to prepare to establish in advance if it is required to be reported to the higher authorities for being examined and approved,after it is examined and approved according to the extent of authority.And then all the examined and approved formalities,which are required to be reported to the higher authorities can be responsiblely handled by professional administrative department of our county.
    4.重奖引进县外项目、资金的单位和个人。引进项目、技术、设备来宁陕改造企业,由受益企业按项目投资总额的 1%一次性付给酬金;引进项目、技术、设备来宁陕新办企业,县财政按企业新增所得税的20%一次性发给奖金;引进无偿资金,可按引资总额的15%给予奖励;引进参股资金,按引资总额5%提奖;引进外资,使用时间满3年,按引进资金总额的2%给予奖励;引进贷款,属3年以上无息贷款的,按贷款总额的3%给予奖励,3年以上有息,按贷款总额的2%给予奖励。  (摘自宁发[2000]4号文件)
    Supports and Rewards
    1. We are sure to have priority to guarantee and meet the requirement which the external enterises of investment are concerned with the water supply, power supply, road traffic and communication ect.
    2. We are sure that we will strictly and completely protect the external investor's personal safety and their property from being infringed upon in order to provide good and favorable social security ensurement for them.
    3. External investor who wants to settle down in Ningshan county may transact the registered permanent residence's procedures of the local inhabitant.Their housing and family dependents as well as their children's employment,attending schoo1,recruited workers and enrolled the government functionary will all be treated as equally as the local inhabitants of Ningshan county, We also make sure that you can enjoy various human rights of each citizenship which are contained to participate in the government and discuss political affairs of Ningshan county.
    4.We are sure to heavily reward the unit and the individual that introduce projects. funds from the outside of Ningshan county.The monetary reward of yours will be paid for in a lump by the beneficial enterprises on tbe basis of 1% of the total amount of the project investment if you can introduce projects, technology and equipment from the external investors to transform the enterprises of Ningshan county.The money rewards will be issued in a lump by the Department of Finance according to 20% of newly increased income tax of the enterprises if you can introduce projects, technology and equipment from other areas to establish new enterprises in Ningshan county.The encouragement will be given to you according to l5% of the total amount of leading into the funds if you can draw into gratuitous funds.You can extract rewards by 5% of the total amount of guiding funds if you can lead into join-stock funds. And also you will be rewarded according to 2% of the total amount of drawing into funds if you can lead into the foreign funds which can be used for over three years.If you can bring in the loan,we will give rewards to you according to 3% of the total amount of the loan which belongs to interest-free funds for more than three years after these funds are deposited into the account of the bank in Ningshan county. You will also be rewarded accrording to 2% of the total amount of the loan, which has interest for over three years.
   (Excepted from the Documents of NO·4 in 2000 published by Ningshan county)
